002128341 XD Design Kyoto A5 notebook cover

  • 002128341
  • 002128341
  • 002128341
  • 002128341
  • 002128341
  • 002128341
  • 002128341
  • 002128341
  • 002128341
  • 002128341

Price breaks and print colour options

Quantity 100 250 500 1000 1500
Transfer 1 Colour £19.23 £17.83 £16.76 £16.12
Transfer 2 Colour £20.00 £18.40 £17.20 £16.50
Transfer 3 Colour £20.77 £18.98 £17.70 £16.91
Transfer 4 Colour £21.51 £19.47 £18.14 £17.32
Quantity 100 250 500 1000 1500
Digital Transfer Full Colour £21.12 £19.38 £17.48 £16.70
1 Colour Print £17.15 £16.12 £15.19 £14.65

All prices are exclusive of Artwork, Origination, VAT & Carriage

Kyoto holds your A5 notebook in style. It also has place to store your phone, pen, small notes and other accessories outside and inside. To make it complete the notebook has 128 pages of cream coloured 70 gsm paper which can easily be replaced once full. Registered design.
Brand: XD Design.
Material: Polyester.


160mm(w) x 220mm(h) x 25mm(d)



Print type and position

Digital Transfer
Back: 80(w) x 150(h)

Front Right: 80(w) x 150(h)
Back: 80(w) x 150(h)
Front Top: 80(w) x 150(h)

All dimensions are in millimetres

